Ethical / Environment Policy

Ethical / Environment Policy

Veloriginal Ltd are dedicated to operating under ethical and envi­ron­men­tally friendly practices through our supply chain and production processes. We’re working hard to continue refining these processes because it’s a commitment we don’t take lightly. One of our main goals is to remove plastic packaging entirely, but in the meantime our current environmental policy is as follows:­

  • Our garments are printed using only water-based inks. They’re OEKOTEX® approved (they don’t contain any regulated or unregulated chemicals harmful to the environment).
  • We use organic and fair wear accredited garments, wherever this is possible.
  • All the waste cardboard and paper we produce is recycled.
  • Waste ink is unavoidable, but our printers ensure they dispose of theirs responsibly.
  • Failed prints are also unavoidable, and all products that failed quality checks will be donated to charity.
  • The packaging used to ship all orders is either 100% recyclable or biodeg­ra­dable, or both.

We’re very open about our commitment to this ethics and environmental policy. If you’d like to talk to us about anything, or you have some suggestions on how we can do more please let us know.